A couple notes

Not a whole lot to update other than a couple of notes:

Having fun playing fantasy football against the Millers and their friends on Yahoo.

Learning quite a bit in my Network + class; as well as learning that I already know a lot of this - so that's nice.

Tom has gotten out of Basic (congrats bro) and is now stationed at Fort Lee, VA for the next couple of months. If you have his address, find the time to write him (we owe him a couple of letters). Sorry about missing your call on Sunday morning.

Saturday, Leslie and I took a mental break and ran up to Lawrence, KS to pick up some wonderful Jimmy John's sandwiches. If you haven't had one, try to find a franchise in your local area and try it. Had a nice day walking around and just getting away from Stillwater for a bit. Could've made more of a trip of it, but we really had to get back and do homework and housework. Maybe next time we'll really get a chance to relax.