Facelift and other such things

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Alright, I messed around with the color scheme of the page (at least the main page for now). I also worked on a new style sheet so hopefully the text doesn't go wacky on pages. If you hate the new look, let me know. If you hate the logo, let me know. If you hate that I haven't got all the pages up and/or converted; well, I already know that so you don't have to let me know. Also, went back to a DHTML type menu. The other one was causing all kinds of oddball errors depending on your browser and version.

A couple of treats for you.

This is a test called What Country of the World are You? Take it if you are really bored.

And THIS particular nugget is a highly irritating and addictive game that was linked to me a few days ago. I loathe ever seeing the page and figured I'd share it with all of you. Enjoy it and don't blame me if it drives you crazy too.