Yahoo and ESPN have stories about the cursed baseball about to be destroyed in Chicago tomorrow. The Chicago Tribune does too but you can't have my account info. Page 2 of ESPN has a tongue-in-cheek interview with the ball in question (so does the Trib btw).
Um, let's see...I have our Grand Canyon pics up here. I still need to edit the pages and such (Photoshop can do some really silly things if you aren't paying attention) but go ahead and take a look anyway.
Our idiot roundup has a school suspending a kid for bringing the SI swimsuit issue to school and reacting like he was packing an Uzi. Two morons in Detriot decided vandalizing a statue to Joe Louis with white paint would convince us that racism is a good thing. Their lawyer argues it was an act of political activism.
This one I agree with. The "Got Milk?" ads have been ruled as violating the free speech of dairy farmers who have been forced to pay for them. I never thought the ads did that good of a job and I'm frankly tired of all the knock-offs of the campaign.
I got an email forward from Earl Stuckey concerning where to buy gas so as not to give money to Middle Eastern companies who would funnel it to those who want us dead. I agree that on an individual level that is a solid plan. Though, as with any forward you all send, I ran it past Snopes to see what would come up. I didn't get a write-up on that exact email but on a very similar one. Basically, do what you can but don't expect the market to do with your money what you want it to.