First we have a girl who was already told once to change jobs for her school work study. So she gets a job hosting at Hooters. She doesn't wear a skimpy outfit and her father is okay with her being there. Now she has found that she won't get credit for it, thanks to her school board. And don't ever get me started on my opinion of most school boards.
Next, we have a second grader busted for saying "hell." Read the article and you'll see she was trying to do the right thing. These are the lessons we teach our kids today. Do what we say. WAIT! That's all wrong, you're going to be punished.
Its not all bad news in education though. In Georgia, you can still say the word "evolution" in school without being labelled a crackpot, liberal idealist. Well, they'll still label you, but you can say the word. Reactionary, Dark Ages freaks. That's a joke, mind.
Before it gets archived, you can read the article, "Ten Technologies That Refused to Die" and nod your head through it much like I did.
And if you happen to have a bar code/magnetic strip on your driver's license, head here to find out what personal information is on it. I'd be really interested to know what's on your's. Not the data itself silly, just what kind.
Updated some stuff on the Galva Guard page. Still need to scan those Galva News articles though.
I haven't done a Boondocks in awhile. I think its time.