I may have mentioned this one to a few of you before, but I was walking through a Barnes and Noble the other day and ran across Walter Mosley's Futureland on the bargain shelves. Granted, its fiction, but very good, plausible fiction of our world in the near future. For $6 you can't go wrong and I hope a few of you take the time to at least peruse the book.
Other tech news. The BBC reports on your damn dirty ape computer. Jim Rapoza from E-Week usually comes up with great articles, but this one on the business model against pop-up ads is one you may be able to use if you answer to someone about a website.
Don't believe that corporations are meddling with government? This story about the MPAA basically writing speeches for California's AG will hopefully wake you up.
Extra stuff: Christopher Hitchens rips Spain a new one for trying to leave us high and dry in Iraq. A story on why I don't eat seafood. And, for once, a lottery winner who actually deserves it.