Ten points for anyone who knows that reference.
So, I just got done watching the WB News while vacuuming. Yes, the WB has news, go figure. And yes, I vacuum. Anyway, one story I wasn't paying attention to today was this misdirection about Kerry throwing medals or ribbons of medals away during the 70s. Apparently - and this is the height of political pandering - the GOP is trying to convince people that ribbons and medals are not the same thing.
In some cases they are correct. Ribbons by themselves do not always come with medals. However, every medal (as I understand these things) comes with a ribbon so that the person who earned it (yes, you EARN medals; not get them from hiding in an secret undisclosed location) can wear them on the "fruit salad" you see folks wear on dress uniforms. What does this mean? Kerry isn't "flip-flopping" on this one, but the Republicans are still lying and treating us like idiots.
In the interests of getting people to shut up about this and talk about serious issues - like, say, why my brother and 130,000 of his closest comrades-in-arms are getting shot at in Iraq - here is a site related to Navy medals (and ribbons) and one concerning where your favorite GOP dolts were while they should have at least paid lip service to serving their country (you'll have to scroll down a bit because - as is usual - they are hiding the truth).
Doonesbury got in a nice dig Sunday that requires more reflection than your usual comic strip offers. Enjoy.