Back in action

Well, between the apartment move, a visit from Tracy, and my latest project I haven't had a lot of free time for posting - or for Galva Guard updates. Hopefully I can get back up to speed this weekend. By the way, thanks to Tracy for coming on out and having what I hope was a good time with us. Between the Hoover Dam, goofing off on the Strip and the Blue Man Group show, I enjoyed myself. Come back any time. If anyone else wants to swing by and visit, you know how to contact us.

Let's start off with some EvilNed submissions and those from others as well.

Our first offering is Rock, Paper, Saddam. If you don't know, ask Aziz. Best Buy decides that the customer is wrong. This just ensures I won't be going in for any hospital visits if I can help it. And if you live and work in Virginia, congratulations and enjoy those weekends off.

I don't remember where this came from, only that it is: a) a tad inappropriate (you've been warned), and b) funny.

I was tending towards a theme here. Today, Bush decided not to show up - again - to a NAACP convention. Which, of course, shows you how serious he is about race relations in this country. I'm actually not going to fault him too much for this, even though he's probably pandering to all the Klan members planning to vote for him. In any case, the African-American community is having a small discussion concerning the dreaded N-word, including another tirade by Bill Cosby calling out all the punk rapper types to get an education and stop being laughing-stocks. Personally, more power to anyone trying to advance their lives and their people without looking foolish. Then again, I think this is a problem best solved internally too.

Since I've brought up Republicans, I forgot to mention this little tidbit about the Texas GOP running on the platform that this is a "Christian Nation." Look - and this expands to a lot of my email senders of late as well - it is all well and good for you to have a religion and, within reason, look for converts for it as well. In fact, I think everyone needs something to believe in. But doing so on a national level, to the point of exclusion and making others feel unimportant and irrelevant is not what this country was founded on. So, please, take a second and realize the world is bigger than you and your belief system. Besides, if you are a church member, the president is trying to make a database of where you live. Creepy.

In case you were wondering who is helping Ralph Nader, the answer would be conservatives and probably even the Bush campaign itself. Oops, that's illegal kids. Then again, that never seemed to stop these guys before. The International Herald Tribune wraps up our day with an article on all that fun privatization you keep hearing about in Iraq and who is benefitting from it. Bonus article: Bruce Sterling on global private armies.