Independents need not apply

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Still wavering between Bush and Kerry? Still confused as to what constitutes democracy and who is in favor of it? Let me help.

Looks like you've got a couple options when attempting to see Bush or Cheney give a speech this year. You can either a) sign a loyalty oath, or b) work their phones for them, depending on where you are. Yeah, um, you can call people volunteers if you are forcing them to work, okay?

I'm still baffled on how anyone who is gay can back the GOP. I mean, their platform calls for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Now seriously, even if you don't think marriage should cover any couple in love with each other, ask yourself how a party who wants less government keeps trying to constitutionally ban your ability to read a library book without the FBI knowing it, have private thoughts and personal choices about who you love, what you can do with your body, whether you can protest or just have an opinion contrary to their's. Smacks of social dictatorship to me. And hell, even Cheney is against this one.

I meant to cover this one but I had to get over my high levels of disgust first. Apparently, the Bush campaign is pimping Afghanistan and Iraq and the Olympics in a political ad. This has - naturally pissed off the Iraqi athletes and the entire Olympic movement to date. Of course, who do you send into the thick of a controversy like that? Colin Powell, administration scapegoat. You really have to feel sorry for the guy. he couldn't have actually seen much of this coming.

Seriously, this administration is so messed up, even GOP Congressmen are speaking out against them. And more of a social commentary note than anything, but even Pat Buchanan is against Bush & Co. And seriously, with electoral discrimination on the rise, you'd figure a proven racist like him would be all on that bandwagon.

More to come, but I leave you with a fairly moving piece on the stupidity of airport security checks.