The news from Iraq is filled with stories of the members of the 343rd Quartermaster Company which refused to deliver a fuel run to Taji, where elements of the 39th Infantry Brigade (of which Battery F 1/202 ADA is attached) are headquartered. These troops, regardless of the possible correct assessment of their lack of safety, are more likely than not in serious trouble. I'm not sure which is worse; the perception by some of our troops that we are not doing well by them enough that they mutiny, or the slap in the face of every American that an administration that says "all is well and morale is high" is so obviously not addressing reality.
With the oncoming departure of the oft-referenced Polish troops in Iraq, the administration has come under more scrutiny by newspaper columnists and Ron Reagan among others.
(By the way, I plan on listing some of the logins used by certain newspapers I link, but I want to re-encourage you to download Mozilla or Firebird browsers and use the BugMeNot service and extension to gain access to information.)
Remember when Bush was slamming the Canadian health system in the debates? Turns out one Canadian company could help us with the flu vaccine shortage - if our government wasn't so eager to screw up the deal in red tape. Then again, some morally deficient creeps are already trying to sneak into Canada to obtain flu shots for themselves. Bet they vote Republican too. Thanks to Matok for the links.
The local press here in Vegas has been addressing instances of pro-GOP bias (I mean, besides the local paper, though even the Review-Journal has been reporting on it). Luckily, our weekly alternative papers do a better job and have things well in hand. Back in August I saw, reported, and watched a guy get removed from a public library because he was openly registering voters for just the Republican party. Apparently he had hoodwinked the library into thinking he was doing a legal registration drive. According to the Mercury and the R-J, he was definitely not working alone. The R-J even did us the courtesy of writing a story on Secretary of State Dan Heller, Nevada's Katherine Harris. The Mercury and CityLife have stinging indictments of the Bush reign while Joshua Ellis just lays it out as he sees it.
I had planned to vent a frustration here but opted to take it to the message board instead for any discussion that might be felt necessary. Also, I didn't want to start up a storm in the midst of so much real news...unlike some people. Head on over and read the rant if you are interested.