Two votes against the junta

Thanks to early voting here in Nevada, and because I'll be in New Mexico on election day, we ran out and entered our wishes for Kerry and against the forces of dictatorship, censorship, racism, sexism, classism and most -isms out there that bring harm to people. It's rather liberating to be done with it. Hopefully those votes help swing this state against Bush and the Hate Party.

This is either the height of hypocrisy or a cry for help. Dick Cheney took special care to assure the country that his heart condition would not impede him from his job as Vice President. We took that, and his doctor's assent, at face value. Now, in a time when all able-bodied citizens should avoid getting a flu shot, Cheney is basically first in line (along with other administration members). Why? Because of his heart condition. Look, he's either healthy enough to handle the job - and all inherent risks inclusive - or he's not. He's either in too high risk a job for his cardiac health or he's a frightened little boy afraid of a flu bug. Either way, for either concerns of his health or disgust at his heightened sense of self-importance, do us all a favor and vote him out of office.

The guy I got escorted away from the public library a few month's back wasn't acting alone. As reported earlier, more on the GOP-paid for group that worked to only register Republican voters. They say it is an isolated incident - if you call isolated occuring in many different states. BS is what I call it. Ex-pat voting is way up this year; we'll see how that plays out here but early voting is active.

As for the Bush camp, bad news on support from women, Arab-Americans, and September 11 widows. I mean seriously, with that horrid a track record, why does anyone back him? And, the rest of the planet continues to treat us like a banana republic when it comes to our election...and they might not be wrong to do so. And what's with all the money being spent on Iraqi elections?

Sinclair continues to get in hot water, firing employees who had enough integrity to speak out about their biased film showing plans; a film that commits libel and steals the work of others for its own twisted agenda.

The Bush administration keeps talking about how it won't reinstate the draft and now we know why. They plan on putting women into harm's way. While I congratulate their open-minded stance on equality, I don't think that's why they are doing this (especially given their moves to ban the pill, abortion, equal pay, etc.).

Two reports from Iraqi concerning humor and baseball. Speaking of baseball here in the US, it looks like good news (so far) for the Red Sox. Since I've been asked a couple times by folks, that's pine tar on the Bo-Sox helmets and here's some more info on why.