Oh the places I go

I've been asked a few times where I gather a lot of the articles I link here. Incidentally, if you would please start using the comment feature I can respond to more than one person at a time. No, seriously. I am porting this thing to a blog because of people's requests. Please use the new functionality.

In any case, here goes. In no particular order other than mental recollection, here are the sites I visit, by topic of my daily news roundup.

General News
CNN - Yeah, I know, but it's easy and accessible.
BBC - Trigger the International version if you are headed there.
Reuters - More of a catch-all site for news
NPR - I listen to it in the car and check it online for updates
International Herald Tribune - Mostly, I like their layout
New York Times - The old standby

Tech News and Schtuff
Slashdot - Geek news all day every day
Ars Technica - Interesting stories, helpful guides
Lifehacker - My lastest favorite site. Decent tips, interesting links

Blatantly Partisan
Huffington Post - Nice collection of liberal thought
Think Progress - Pretty up-to-date
Daily Kos - More opinion than fact but useful
Crooks & Liars - If it's on video, they're probably hosting it right now
Truthdig - Another fine collection of articles from across the web
Democratic Underground - A little slow on the take but this isn't necessarily bad
Working for Change - Very activist-oriented site; just so you're aware
DubyaD40 - Funny with an edge, also good focus on environment issues. I demand you read Clyde and Wally's posts.

Obviously there are more sites out there I randomly visit and/or get the RSS feed from. But these are the ones I usually visit at least a couple times a week. Now, unfortunately, between this post and the Google Reader feed down to the right, you no longer have to read my posts.

Well, at least I hope that's not the case. But seriously, use the comment feature and let me know your favorite information sites.