
The GOP is at it again, and across all fronts it seems.

More news about the Air Force becoming a hive of conservative zealotry.

Georgia has passed a particularly virulent anti-immigration bill. Meanwhile, those who look for a way to legally become an American citizen are fired for either attempting to be a citizen or for backing those who share that dream.

In fact, this got me thinking a bit. Just last week, the House GOP backed off a plan that would make being an illegal alien a felony. Go with me for a couple logical leaps here.

So...let me get this straight. The GOP's plan was to make it a felony to want to be an American. Which would make us ALL felons, as I for one like being a United States citizen.

Now compound this with the House GOP being among those who label anyone who disagrees with Bush in any way shape or form a "traitor." So, in defying their false god Bush on immigration, doesn't it make House Republicans seditious traitors themselves? Hmm, not only are they racists who hate American citizens and those who wish to be citizens, they're also traitors. Try that one out on the conservative of your choice.

It must be an election year because the GOP has remembered again that it has to buy off the "Religious Right." Expect more hateful, non-Christian legislation to bubble up from the evil sludge of the moral majority ilk as the year progresses.

More on the so-called moral Republicans. The LA Times reports that various Christians are suing for the right to be intolerant. Nice.

Oh, and that country the conservatives want us to return to of some long-forgotten golden years? It ain't Beaver Cleaver's 1950's America: it's modern day El Salvador.

Oh, that bird flu pandemic the Bushites keep screaming about to distract you from: the Iraq war, the price of gas, the loss of civil liberties, rampant corruption, vote fraud, environmental destruction, etc.? A British scientist downplays the hype...and by more than a little bit.

Speaking of mythologies, the battle is starting early on whether to renew parts of the Voting Rights Act set to expire next year. As usual, the GOP refuses to belief racism exists in this country. Your average election in the South, or even Ohio to the contrary of course.

And hey! Interior Secretary Gail Norton has announced that we have actually increased wetlands while under the apocalyptic reign of Bush. I mean, that's if you count water hazards on golf courses and fetid ponds of the megafarms. Even Field and Stream isn't buying that load of BS.

Finally, normally I don't give blowhard conservative bloggers the time of day. Usually I read Michelle Malkin at my heart rate's peril. I imagine she wants to be the next Ann Coulter...or maybe the Bitch of Buchenwald. I'm not exactly sure. Either way, when UC Santa Cruz students ran off army recruiters from their campus, they stupidly posted their contact info. Now they are receiving death threats from compassionate conservatives. They've done their best to get rid of the information from their site, and have succeeded in doing so. However, there remains Malkin, who has posted the info on her site, apparently to egg on the hatemongers, despite her vaguely coherent claims to the contrary. Ezra Klein dives into this a lot better than I can.

And hell, why not? Here's a left wing screed about the Bush clan being potential traitors.