Babbling Bushies

"That's George Washington, the first President, of course. The interesting thing about him is that I read three -- three or four books about him last year. Isn't that interesting? " - Bush, in an interview with German newspaper Bild am Sonntag

Yeah, Bush is even giving interviews these days to deflect criticism or change his image, blah, blah, blah. You can read an appropriately grammatically screwed up version at the White House site or just revel in this bit where Bush says his proudest moment as president was catching a 7.5 pound perch; which, while impressive, probably should pale to some act performed as supposed leader of the free world.

You've heard how there are two sides to every story? Well, check out this piece of deception from the White House. I just feel bad for the baby.

What's even scarier? Bush and Poppy are talking up the concept of a Jeb Bush presidency. Hmm, the first one tanked the economy, the second is destroying civil liberties and trashing our military and international standing (not that the economy is that good either). Will Jeb finish the transition to us becoming a broke, Third World fractionalized theocracy? I freaking hope he doesn't get the chance.

But hey, it's not just me that's pissed off. Leslie in incensed that Bush was invited to Oklahoma State to give the commencement address. I mean, she's usually proud of her master's degree, but having this idiot a platform to bash science and technology on the same stage she once walked on to commemorate her scholastic achievements is pretty wrong.

But hell, let's not just bash George. Laura is along for the ride too. Check out. In one of the all-time quickest flip-flops ever, Laura turns on a dime concerning whether the national anthem should be sung in other languages. Seriously, she's taking this Tammy Wynett bit too far.

That said, George is a hypocrite about this whole thing himself. He used to sing the anthem in Spanish at campaign rallies.

Personally, it is more pandering to the racist right specifically and bread and circus crap in general to distract us all from asking actual important questions. Too bad we're all falling for it.