Memo to the GOP: It's not about skin color, though I'm sure you'll bill it that way

First off, I didn't take a week off. I just really had a bad server build. Very, very bad.

Next, I'm not actually taking off today for May Day. I thought about it but my manager gave me the day off. So, it's *like* I'm protesting, but I'm actually trying to catch up on sleep. For those who have been under a rock for most of the year, here is some info, plus news reports from Chicago and Los Angeles.

Basically, I'm watching TV and trying to figure out when CNN became FauxNews. Nearly every talking head just doesn't seem to get it. They are asking questions like "Why would you do this?" and "Isn't there a better way?" Okay, for those who just don't care enough to try to figure things out, here's the deal. The GOP House is deeping deep into the well of racism in this nation. It isn't enough to grab an illegal alien and send them home. They have to be cast out as felons, criminals and enemies against the US. I mean, what the hell is that all about? It is one thing to preach homilies about people who don't support George Bush being traitors, but what bigoted, snot-nosed BS is it to make it a felony to want to have a job to support your family?

I mean, sure, those here illegally should have to face a penalty if caught. But, you know, so do the greedy businessmen who hire them en masse to save a few bucks when they otherwise wouldn't have to. Or...more pointedly, so should we as a society expect to pay more for those instances when immigrants, illegal and otherwise, perform those bottom-of-the-barrel jobs we can't or won't get off our butts to do.

I swear, I've never heard so much anger against people who actually want to work. This level of agonizing never even took place during the big anti-welfare drives in the 90s...and some of those folks really did NOT want to work a day in their lives.

LIke I said, I track it all back to racism. The House isn't shy about it. The Senate is trying to take the long view and worry about cultural changes; changes, of course, which will take place with or without illegal immigrants. No, this is just the GOP sinking to its worst levels of hatemongering and fear.

The world is changing, for good and ill. This country will change as well. And, instead of only being able to bomb civilizations back to the Stone Age when it comes to international issues, this nation can hopefully step up and do something productive about the changes happening here. At least, that's my hope.