Suddenly, YOU are important

(Incidentally, site is running really slow today. Trying to figure out why.)

So, Time magazine has decided that YOU are the Person of the Year. That is, you as a Web 2.0 evangelist, even me and my little blog.

That probably pleases the more egotistical of you. Me? I think the bastards got a-feared that the Bushites would send them to Gitmo to rot if they'd chose Mahmoud "Adolf" Ahmadinejad or Fat Boy al-Sadr or Kim Il Runt, or even Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid. So they wimped out and did some feel-good issue.

Morons. Here are some of the choices they could have made that wouldn't count as a collective hand job to the American people.

Incidentally, I remember seeing this somewhere.

Oh yeah! In the movies: