With my tail between my legs

Pulled another couple projects since my last post...and had a successful and very nice Thanksgiving in between.

I apologize for the lack of post since then. Guess between the post-election breather and getting my butt kicked around this part of the globe I just got worn out.

So, I'm just glad to be home. Too bad I could sleep for a week and not feel caught up. Ah well, soon we're off to Illinois for the holidays.

Just to get you primed for the season, here's a story about eggnog. And another on holiday CDs.

Good news. One evil bastard has left the planet. Augusto Pinochet has finally died. Another dictator aided and abetted by the Republican Party. Big surprise.

More proof that my dad is right about George Bush. More so than the rest of us. Here's the background on what I mean by that. When Bush started running for president talking about his born-again conversion that stopped him from drinking, Dad knew it was crap from the get-go. One, according to Pops, NO alcoholic who has gone through a twelve-step program could even *have* as much of an ego as Bush does. The man has no shame, admits no faults, and doesn't even attempt to grab the concept of humility. Alcoholism, as with any addiction, means you have failed somehow, and failed those around you. So basically, Bush may think he's religious, but he sure as hell has never properly addressed his addiction. He has only, if you believe him, stopped drinking liquor.

So anyway, recently a study has come out showing that power is both an aphrodisiac and an addiction. And who you think of when I say the word "power"? Probably the same guy you should think of when I said "addict", "alcoholic", and "unhinged". George Bush.

Yeah, I'm biased, but it doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Speaking of people who think like Bush and his cronies, NPR spent a week covering the rise of racist, right-wingers in Europe. And don't exclude the English as Blair insists that immigrants adopt British cultural values.

Richard Leakey is fighting fundamentalists in Kenya, who are trying to hide our evolutionary fossil evidence.

In Iraq, the insurgents have found a way to finance themselves, with additional reports that the Saudis are financing Sunni groups.

Tom DeLay tried to start a blog, and quickly found out what Americans think of him and his kind. The site was pulled down, but you can go here to see what the initial post was, and its response.

And this I just found funny: The Fighting First Family.