CNN does it's job for once

I don't know what it is about liberals. Rush Limbaugh is obviously a conservative blowhard. Conservative newspapers don't hide their slant. FOXNews is so in the pocket of the government it is where Bush looks for new talent when he runs off another lackey.

It is probably this lie about the "liberal media," which, when you realize that the Murdochs of the world run print and television, is so much BS. So, CNN has been wallowing in its own filth, trying to maintain a balance; while writing checks to conservative asshats like Robert Novak, Paula Zahn, and Glenn Beck. I mean Fox has Allan Colmes as a liberal punching bag, and who the hell is he anyway? I may not approve of their message, but their insidious nature is at least obvious. CNN is sucking up to fix some imagined slight it caused the American people because the Republicans say it did.


Anyway, last week I mentioned that Fox and its right wing bastard friends is trying to paint Barack Obama as some radical Muslim, with some help from the Hillary Clinton campaign. Talk about "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

To their credit, CNN has done their homework and disproved this evil meme resoundingly.

Thanks CNN, maybe you'll get off your ass and try to provide spreading the good word and shining the light on evil bastards again. Hey, I can hope, can't I?