Rearranging the deck chairs....

"If our commanders on the ground say we need more troops, I will send them. But our commanders tell me they have the number of troops they need to do their job. Sending more Americans would undermine our strategy of encouraging Iraqis to take the lead in this fight. And sending more Americans would suggest that we intend to stay forever, when we are, in fact, working for the day when Iraq can defend itself and we can leave. As we determine the right force level, our troops can know that I will continue to be guided by the advice that matters: the sober judgment of our military leaders."

- Bush, June 28, 2005

"I met with every divisional commander, General Casey, the core commander, General Dempsey, we all talked together. And I said, in your professional opinion, if we were to bring in more American Troops now, does it add considerably to our ability to achieve success in Iraq? And they all said no."

- General John Abizaid, Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, November 15, 2006

So....Bush is getting off his ass for once and trying to do something about Iraq. It is unfortunate that he still refuses to work from within reality.

In any case, his bubble boy solutions. One, listen to a different group of morons for guidance on Iraq.

Actually, that's not entirely fair. After Bush decided to send 20,000 more troops to Iraq, he replaced both Generals Casey and Abizaid. You know, because well, there IS no good reason is there? He just wanted to find some yes men who would agree with him. Not a great way to start a major policy change.

The punchline? Abizaid is being replaced by a Navy admiral. Seen any sailors getting killed by IEDs lately? So much for morale.

Wesley Clark weighs in on why the "surge" will ultimately fail.

The year ended with the US having more than 3,000 deaths among our servicemen and -women in Iraq. More data from

Additional info on military screwups, from ignoring and stigmatizing the mental health needs of our veterans to recalling the dead to service in Iraq.

The troops themselves? They just want to get home alive. Couldn't say it better myself.