Instant karma's gonna get you

Both Bush and Cheney narrowly escaped injury and possible death this past week. It can't completely be coincidental given their mad rush to get others killed. And the corporate exec who gave up the story on Bush has had to recant his story. No pressure there of course. Probably offered him a trip to Gitmo if he didn't change his tune.

And then there's McCain. He's getting kicked by everyone lately: Bill Maher, NPR, Newsweek, and, hell, the Chicago Tribune. I don't want to cover it too much except to say, I'm almost sad to see his crash and burn so badly. Then again, as stated previously, his previous patriotic duty has been duly sullied by his turning on his friend Kerry and supporting the man who insults his family, Bush. There's nothing you can say to change my mind on this piece of crap of a human being.

Meanwhile, an article on the GOP hoping for a better candidate and the history of poor wish fulfillment in this area.

Bush is trying to blame Democrats for screwing the troops since both the House and the Senate want Bush to get our troops the hell out of Iraq. There's still time to get the budget numbers right but Bush - go figure - doesn't want to be part of the solution or be blamed for anything. He just wants the problem to go away.

Too bad.

It is HIS Secretary of Defense who extended EVERY soldier, marine, airmen and sailor another three months on their current tour. This has ruined morale and angered troops under HIS watch. It is under HIS reign of terror that West Point is seeing the lowest retention rates since the '70s.

Best lie of the week? The White House swears it didn't know about the tour extensions. Literally, the right hand doesn't even know what the left hand is doing. Actually, scratch that. Since the DoD is part of the executive branch, it is like the right hand not knowing what the thumb is up to.

More continuing bad news on returning troops and poor medical care.

Hell, even the greatest corporate welfare recipient in US history can't stand Bush. And seriously, when I agree with Lee Iaccoca, you know you're in bad shape.

More on the legacy of Kurt Vonnegut.