War Pigs

Well, Bush wants a war czar, basically someone who can likely take the blame for his failed foreign policies.

Too bad the guy they asked to do the job, Marine Gen. John Sheehan (ret.) isn't gullible and knows the administration is full of it.

Now, of course, the administration is out to slander the general's good name. You know, for a bunch of people who accuse the Democrats for under-cutting the military, these guys do a good job of screwing active duty troops out of combat pay and equipment and training, veterans out of medical care, and either forcing out active duty generals who disagree with them or attempting to discredit retired leaders.

You'd think the military would have had enough by now, especially as the new strategy is to create a partitioned Fortress Baghdad, that keeps warring factions away from each other. First came the trenches/moats to route traffic to checkpoints. Now, come walls to keep neighborhoods apart from one another. The locals, understandably, are not pleased.

UPDATE: As I am writing this post, PM al-Maliki has put a stop to the wall construction. Seems he's not on-board with Balkanizing his capital city.

More on the problems returning troops have getting medical care. Plus, news that the Pentagon is sending injured troops back to Iraq, including one with a serious brain injury.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon is ordering officers not to speak to Congress regarding the Iraqi military's readiness and performance.

An article from Esquire about a soldier who doesn't fit in now that he's back from war. Plus a small lexicon of terms you may or may not already know.