Have heard some choice bits on NPR lately and have picked up on some stories this week I'd like to share. I'm waiting on a slew of callbacks on cases I have and am pretty much prepped for my trip next week.
The Army is trying to give Captains financial incentives to encourage them not to retire from active duty. According to the story though, it isn't enough and dollar signs are not the problem.
The problem may be the broken promises by the Pentagon that sends troops right back into the fray despite promising to keep soldiers at home long enough for their kids to remember who they are. Oops.
The House is trying another tactic. Fund the war, but only in increments. The first would last until the end of July. Bush is planning to veto it. You know, since paying in segments is nothing like submitting a false budget then throwing in emergency supplemental bills whenever you feel like it.
Someone can try to explain this to me but I'm confused on how SecDef Gates says that he currently has enough money to fund the war into July, but if Congress gives him more money now but cuts off the funding in July if Bush doesn't compromise on anything, it is actually worse for the Pentagon. How is getting more money to fund you past July worse than having only enough to get you into July?
Polls show that Americans don't trust any politicians. I'm not sure if this news is surprising to anyone.
More fallout from the Kansas tornado National Guard response.
You can have a beer called the Silver Bullet, Fry Guys can tempt your kids into eating fatty fries, and Victoria's Secret ads are like having soft core porn on during prime time TV, but don't you dare sell an energy drink called Cocaine.
The Rand Corporation - a waaaaay conservative think tank - just came out with a manual on nation building, and entirely missed the part where you concern yourself with the culture you are introducing your troops into. It contrasts our very successful occupation of Japan with the debacle in Iraq, focusing on the minor details like knowing the language, religious, and social composition of the land you are in. You know, just little stuff like that.
Bush's quandry. Too bad he's dragging us down with him.
The pope versus liberation theology in South America.
Finally, one nice story concerning the last traditional bow maker in China. Yes, he has apprentices so not all is lost.