Ben Stein is a piece of shit too

So I'm driving home from work yesterday and Marketplace is on as it usually is for me. At the end of the report is some insipid drivel from Ben Stein about CAFE standards and how bad they are for Joe Sixpack. His argument is this: Hollywood environmentalist types should give up their private jets and yachts before anyone else should have to suffer to address global warming. At face value, not an off-the-wall idea. Indeed, those who haven't already bought Priuses should. That said, the face of Republican Hollywood is Arnold "Gimme Anudder Hummer" Schwarzenegger and John "I Have My Own Private Jet Collection" Travolta. So, you know, maybe ol' Ben is talking out of his ass.

Besides, this isn't about taking Farmer Brown's field use F-150 away, it is about yanking Hummers out of the hands of rich bastards with McMansions in suburbia. Stein is out of his frigging gourd if he thinks that anyone with half a mind (re: non-Repugnican't) couldn't draw that logical conclusion with even a touch of logic.

Just because his screed has merit doesn't mean he actually has a good point. And distraction is good the GOP on oh-so-many levels.

Speaking of pro-farming legislation that the GOP likes, did you know that Scottie Pippen and Paul Allen get massive farm subsidies from our government? Now I can see Pippen sniffing for truffles with that gonzo schnozz and Allen running a server farm, but Eddie Albert they are not. (That's a Green Acres reference for you younguns.)

Forty years ago, Leslie and I probably couldn't have gotten married in most (red) states. Here's to the Loving v. Virginia case.

When Republican senators don't get their way, they just take a swing at people. That's how they teach 'em diplomacy in Alabama I guess. And you wonder how the South lost the Civil War.

To close, how to take down a Russian ninja using two elderly Italians.