Apparently, if we run over your car with a tank, we replace it at full value. However, if we shoot your family up, they are only worth $2500 each. At best.
There's nothing even remotely funny about that line of thinking.
Speaking of those screwed by the war, more bad news from Walter Reed and the state (or lack thereof) of mental health available there to our vets.
A hush job concerning the officer who actually wanted to get to the bottom of the crimes at Abu-Ghraib.
Speaking of breaking the law, Bush and his signing statements have allowed him and his cronies to ignore 30% of the laws passed last year. Yay Democracy!
And the Republican National Committee have purposely destroyed possibly over 100,000 emails in efforts to cover up Karl Rove's dirty laundry. I dare any of you fascist fundamentalists to tell me again how holy your Satan Bush is.
Oh, and it isn't like the more liberal bunch is any more sane. Given that Hamas has taken over Gaza, some are pointing the finger exclusively at Israel and the US. Give it a rest. You allow people to elect a terrorist organization, and don't blame them for doing so? I mean, some of the points in the article aren't far off, but there's a whole lot more cynicism in the conclusions than even I am capable of accepting.
Oh, we are almost done looking for those Iraqi WMDs. No, I'm not kidding.
Oh, we have to end on a happy note. Here's news of a flooded out Aussie town geting its critical beer delivering before a State of Origin game. Hell, we can't even rescue our own citizens and pets; the Aussies can go about making sure stranded people at least can hoist a pint.
There's a lesson there somewhere.