
Just realized I hadn't posted in awhile. Seems like the uberposting of last month was just a fad. For those who check here regularly, I apologize.

Leslie and I are planning to drive down the Oregon Coast later this month. If you have any favorite haunts to recommend, pop me a message.

Here is a leading Republican and presidential candidate advocating that torture prisons are good. And here is a GOP presidential candidate who talks sense and would be good for that pack of rapture bunnies and racists. Huckabee, the former, is considered an average Republican, Ron Paul, the latter, is the fringe lunatic. Go figure.

The "War Czar" thinks that open debate about the Iraq War is not harmful to the troops despite repeated Republican claims. Careful buddy, you'll be out of a job because you get hired.

Meanwhile, the homophobe Bush wants to be Surgeon General was in charge of providing substandard care for our veterans. Gee, screwing the troops over and being a bigot. He's got all the qualifications to be a top Bush administration official.

Bush is trying to stop folks from halting his illegal wiretapping programs. Meanwhile, he has allowed his girlfriend at the State Department to lift passport restrictions due to, in part, poor preparation. Where have I heard that before? Iraq, maybe? Either way, GREAT JOB of keeping America safe!

Don't go into the water: the sordid history of weapons dumping at sea.