ThinkProgress has put up a timeline on how many times and in how many facets Bush has changed our military's mission in Iraq. No wonder they can't gain traction; the doofus keeps changing the rules.
A story on how the MidWest is dropping its support for the war, and another on an Army reservist trying to stop his fifth deployment. Maybe he wants his life back or something.
Benedict is quickly becoming a Psycho Pope, recently stating that Jesus founded only one true church (hint: it ain't the Baptists) and trying to strip away the Vatican II reforms and force priests to give the Latin mass just to appease the Catholic rapture bunnies.
More signs of the Apocalypse...or at least a contrast. British judges can stop wearing those horsehair wigs in anything but a criminal trial. And in Texas, a kid decided to take roadside poaching to a new level by shooting a zebra from a moving vehicle.