Been awhile since I posted. Sorry about that. It has been busy around here lately.
Let's start off with how baseball is both more satirical and more honorable than football. Miscreant Michael Vick is only charging with killing and burying dozens of dogs in his backyard due to his love of dogfights so he remains an Atlanta Falcon. That said, the NFL is still in the uncomfortable position of supporting their evil prick of a quarterback. Even so, that gangsta rap, misogynistic, dog killing crap hasn't infesting baseball like it has other sports.
Yet. But I hope the sports hangs in there and ignores that kind of filth.
Meanwhile minor league Long Beach is having a "Michael Vick Animal Awareness Day" on Sunday. You can bring your dog to the ballpark and get in free if you turn in a Vick jersey. Good job Armada!
In Hungary, they are using their democracy to the fullest. There is currently a referendum to institute siesta time. I have to ask: why not us?
Anna Quindlen asks Hillary to just go ahead and ask Obama to be her running mate. While I'm not completely against the idea, I do think Obama can beat Clinton. And anyways, here's a better idea: Obama-Richardson. Obama is charismatic and Richardson knows his sh*t. Besides, running a black man and a Latino against two tired white guys will show the world we are seriously trying to move forward as a nation and split from the Bush junta.
FEMA knows that the trailers they have been providing our Katrina refugees evacuees have been toxic and have just chosen to sweep that knowledge under the rug. Great job!
When FOX attacks. Basically, FAUXNews has done everything it can to demean and discredit bloggers. Granted, not all blogs are good, but to accuse DailyKos of McCarthyism? From FOX? That's some serious pot-calling-the-kettle-black BS. You want to know where blogs fall on a scale of good and evil? Robert Novak can't wait to die to get away from them.
Republicans must then fear technology. How else to explain how only McCain and Paul have signed up for the CNN/YouTube debate. That said, if they are not Luddites, perhaps it is because, like I suspect, they hate to hear from regular Americans. Instead, like High Poobah Bush, they want everything scripted and hate when reality is thrust in their faces.
One last thing: our big ass embassy in Baghdad was built with slave labor. And to think this party once freed slaves.