Well, my hard drive is going to pot and I'm going to clear out my tabs and hope I can backup everything I can before the new HD comes in. Seriously, I can't find the drive I want at Fry's, CompUSA, or random office supply store. And no, I'm not going to Best Buy. Remember, moving parts and Best Buy equal disappointment and lost money.
NewEgg will save the day. But not until early next week. So now I limp along with a half-ass configured XP load. Lost my Vista and Ubuntu. It is a dang good thing I just bought an external hard drive a few days ago and dumped a lot of my data on it. For now I just have to do a lot of reinstalling.
The Economist covers the Republican collapse as well as comments on Rove's wussing out ahead of Congressional lynch mobs.
ThinkProgress lists the rats jumping off the sinking ship since November, with Tony Snow already packing his last piece of cheese.
But, hey, Bush ain't worried. Wanna know why? His girlfriend Condi is sticking by her man until the end.
Haley Barbour, the governor of Mississippi, is helping his pals get rich off of Katrina contracts. And who says corruption is dead in the GOP?
McCain, apparently realizing that sucking at Bush's teat isn't going to get his elected, is now casting himself as an opponent of the Iraq War. Apparently, he's confused opposition with cheerleading. Read more here.
Gingrich is "at war" with illegal aliens.
Rove thinks anyone who hates him is a "snob" who hates "common sense". Or, you know, maybe its because we hate racist scumbags. Go figure.
Ted Stevens, corrupt Alaskan Republican (is that redundant?), swears that a newspaper is trying to "assassinate" him as it covers his nefarious deeds.
FAUXNews' John Gibson says he's also "at war" with other media groups, who frankly just report and correct his lies.
Know what REALLY pisses Bush off? Fashion writers who accuse him of playing rancher dress up (go halfway down the page). Seriously, of all the thinks we say about the Asshat-in-Chief, his clothing choices are what piss him off? Someone has their priorities out of whack. Or hell, maybe he's gay?
Do you ever get the impression that all these Republicans are just a pack of whining little bitches? Seriously, go look over that list again. They cry, moan, complain and make up boogeymen who are "out to get them" whenever they are caught lying, stealing, cheating, and destroying our democracy.
They never go to war but lust for death. They never seem to work hard but make it so working people have to suffer under unfettered, corrupt corporate goons. They cut taxes for their pals and then let other of their pals overcharge us for gas, energy, and everything else under the sun. They say they are for families and freedom and aid in destroying both. They call upon God but let their pedophile colleagues hunt for prey and their racist and sexist low lifes change the laws, subborn the good, start wars of religion.
Why the hell do you Republicans vote for such scumbags. I mean, I'm not a Hillary fan but you demonize her because she's pushy? Is that all you've got? Really?
One last scumbag, and his fans. Idaho Congressman Bill Sali has stated the following recently:
We have not only a Hindu prayer being offered in the Senate, we have a Muslim member of the House of Representatives now, Keith Ellison from Minnesota. Those are changes — and they are not what was envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
Basically, we're apparently a theocracy run by Awlmawty Gawd and his boy Jeezus and all other religions need not apply let Gawd shall surely strike us dead. Look, when will normal, rational, sane, and caring Christians remove these vile representatives from our sight? Seriously. When?
It gets worse. Check out this site that reports the same incident, but also read the comments. Seriously, al-Qaeda is the least threat to our democracy, and if you read the thoughts of these idiots, you would agree wholeheartedly with me.