Greed is more important than America

Get this. Bush yesterday ranted like mad against the idea of raising the price of gas 2 cents to help pay for infrastructure repairs so we don't - for example - have more bridges falling apart.

He says Congress should be more careful how it spends the money it already collects for this work. And I'm not saying he's wrong on that. Government waste is always going to be an issue.

That said, what a hypocritical piece of crap he is. The price of gas when Bush got into office was about $1.40 or so. Prices are now about $2.88, down from over 3 bucks earlier in the summer.


Bush hates the idea of a 2 cent tax to keep America on a sound infrastructure foundation, but is totally cool with more than doubling the price of gas due to his Arab oil hand-holding despots and criminal fat bastard US oil execs ripping off American citizens. Not to mention his hand in this scam by starting an illegal war because, well, he felt like it.

Republican priorities folks. If you haven't learned it now, you just aren't paying attention.

Incidentally, Bush is on vacation. So is Congress, but only after it sucked up to Bush and let him spy on Americans some more. And while our soldiers roast in 130 degree heat, the Iraqi parliament is on vacation too and the White House is apparently cool with that idea. Hell, Maliki is hanging out in Iran again, though Bush took a nanosecond to condemn the Iran-Iraq lovefest before heading off to daddy's house.

And, though I don't think anyone really deserves a kid like George W. Bush, I had to laugh over the sappy BS about Bush Sr. You know, if you'd raised your kid right, maybe he wouldn't be this way.

Speaking of asshats, meet Robert Murray, who owns the mine in Utah that collapsed this week. What a jackass.

The Army is spending more on bonuses and offering more bennies to new recruits. I feel bad for them in a way.

That said, here's a reservist trying to fight off being shipped out for the fifth time. Yeah, a reservist. Good luck to him too.

The continuing problems of Katrina survivors and their government trailer parks.

And one last story from Ray about a Rush Limbaugh fan who lives in his car outside his house and craps in his yard. Classic.