Random Selections: Tab Clearing Time

My hard drive is in, thus I'm about to wipe out this install and get back to proper operations. Thus, I feel compelled to post some more links before taking the PC down for renovations.

First off, Bush finally compared Iraq to Vietnam, apparently forgetting how bad of an idea that probably is. Then again, he spent the Vietnam War doing blow in Alabama and refusing to fly planes even though he was, you know, a pilot. And that's when he bothered to show up.

Referencing Graham Greene's The Quiet American was also an idiotic move.

Then again, remember Bush wants to be thought of as literate. Too bad really, as all we remember him doing is reading a kid's book and ignoring the fact that we were attacked by terrorists. I mean, before he spent 9/11 running away on Air Force One. That, and strumming a guitar at a birthday party while New Orleans drowned.

Conservative pieces of crap have magically found $15 million to spread their message of fearmongering to keep our troops in Iraq for presumably forever.

Anyway, more on that reading poll that shows that conservatives won't - or can't - read. Also, seems like American is slowing turning away from conservative values. I presume they mean hate, fear, racism, ignorance, and all-around "being-an-asshole" tendencies. If true, welcome back American!

Speaking of illiterate southerners, Arkansas recently screwed up and passed a law that allows an adult to marry an infant. And now they can't easily change the law to what it intended to be. So, let's review. The same type of people who won't let gays marry, sniff at people who marry outside their race, and think they have to intrude on your personal life in every way possible now have allowed pedophiles to get hitched to a 5-year old.

But don't blame just the conservatives here. In Atlanta, the NAACP stands behind dog killer Michael Vick and would love to see him play football just as soon as he gets out of a penitentiary. The same group is fighting a law that bans baggy jeans that show your boxers or thongs. Instead of concentrating on the "our kids are idiots and apparently need to be taught how to look respectable", the Atlanta NAACP thinks the law is a slap in the face to black culture. And hey, maybe they're right. Then again, black culture may want to take a moment to decide whether or not they want to present themselves as morons who can't dress right and not look like deadbeat skanks, too.

Oh, wait, the Bushites DO read some things besides their Jesus for Dummies paperbacks. There is apparently a manual on how to "deal with protestors". Essentially what we are talking about is a government document on how to suppress free speech. Very democratic, no?

Feel like you are earning less than you were before Bush took office? You're right. Sorry about that. Then again, I didn't vote for the SOB.