Delusional quote o' the week:
"It's sad that we live in a time that a talented and honorable person like Alberto Gonzales is impeding [sic] from doing important work because his good name was dragged through the mud for political purpose."- Bush, on losing his Renfield and obviously not realizing irony
Ari Fleischer continues to live in Bush's Bizarro World. Apparently it is the Democratic members of Congress who politicized the Justice Department. Apparently, they and not Alberto Gonzales called the Geneva Convention quaint and obsolete, advocated torture and illegal detainment, fired judges for political purposes, spied on Americans illegally and generally took a steaming crap on the Constitution and the rule of law.
Actually, Gonzales is compared to Fredo in this article, which amused me.
Republican and vehement anti-gay Senator Larry Craig, from Idaho, was arrested recently for trying to pick up a guy in a Minneapolis airport bathroom. More .
Yet another example of the hypocrisy of the "family values" crowd. You won't let gay people marry but you can be the father of three children and cheat on your wife while trying to blow some random guy in an airport bathroom. Really? Um, that's neither protecting families, children OR the sanctity of marriage you piece of crap.
Oh, and up until last night, he was working for the Mitt Romney campaign. I'm sure the Mittster will be preachifying later today about how Craig is such a good family man caught up in a smear campaign or some such GOP nonsense.
Oh, and that concept of free elections in the Middle East? You know, the ones that gave us a Shi'ite in love in Iran in Iraq, and a terrorist group in charge of Palestine (though just Gaza these days)? Well, yeah, now an ardent Muslim fundamentalist is in charge of Turkey. I mean, it is pretty bad when the frigging military is the most liberal and rational movement in that country. And the military likes butchering Kurds for kicks.
I'd wag more of a finger at them but our rednecks and Rapture bunnies stole an election for Bush once and voted him in the other time.