First off, the following link is sorta painful to watch. Basically, it is the mayor of San Diego making an anguished explanation of why he chose the right of all Americans to be treated like citizens above his party's rhetoric. Not that I'm keeping track, but it appears to me to be the first time a Republican was a fan of civil rights since 1865.
That said, you've got to be proud of the guy for standing up for something he's obviously had much personal anguish in coming to a decision on. Kudos for him for even making the effort, much less choosing justice over hate. I'm sure many "compassionate conservatives" will be lining up to kick him out of office next year, if not out of the party entirely.
"Big tent", my ass.
Watch it here:
Meanwhile, This Modern World takes a crack at the hypocrite known as Alan Greenspan.
But back to the rest of the bigoted conservatives, John Ridley gives some observations on Bill "Oh my garsh, black peoples is just like us!" O'Reilly and the GOP's fear of a Black planet as viewed by them skipping the Morgan State U debate.
More on the O'Reilly idiocy plus a regular O'Reilly vulture, erm, guest, laments that our generals are to blame for "letting" soldiers get prosecuted when they commit war crimes or merely violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Last I checked, we were supposed to be on the side of rule of law. Apparently FAUXNews didn't get that memo.
Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh labels any member of our military who questions our presence in Iraq as a "phony soldiers". So much for supporting our troops you jackass. And yes, Rush is another of the infamous warmongering chickenhawks (check this list for Dems who served and Republican'ts who didn't) that love war, except for the whole fighting in one part of it.
The GAO says our soldiers are still getting shafted when it comes to quality medical treatment. Meanwhile, Bush's outgoing Joint Chiefs head Gen. Peter Pace goes on a religious superiority screed against gay Americans. More proof that Republicans have no interest in representing all of America, much less our troops.
Bill Clinton finally got pissed about how the Republicans treat our vets and those who questions their lust for war and rhetoric against those who voice opposition. This is in response to the ad questioning Petraeus' independence in evaluating Bush's surge strategy.
Well, at least he finally is showing some emotion. Years too late, but there you go.