EvilNed was kind enough to hook me up with a Grand Central account. Thanks Ned.
Incidentally, I apparently now have a few of these invites to give out too so if you want one, let me know.
For now, I picked a 309 area code number so you home folks can call me without too much hassle. I picked a Monmouth number out of a hat basically and I'll give it to you if you hit me with a message or some form of communication.
The web button will allow someone to call your Grand Central number without giving out the number. I really don't expect that I would get any serious calls this way, but I figured I would throw it out here. As one can with any calls coming in, you can configure how the call is handled. Right now I've got it redirected to my cell phone, but if looks like it is being abused, I'll just have it go to my Grand Center voicemail.
Otherwise, use the following. I'll find a place on the main website to put it too. More likely than not the Contact page.
Now I've tried this out and if you click the button, it will call your phone, then call mine and I'll have to accept the call based on your name. So stick around a moment if you try this. I'll eventually pick up.