Bush is feasting on his stupidity today, playing up the fact that he shouldn't be asked about the economy since he only got a B in Econ 101. Turns out he actually got a C-.
And people love the fact that they elected an idiot. And said idiot basks in his stupidity.
To push the point, Bush also points out that he - a son of a president, a life-long idiot and substance abuser, not to mention a business failure - is president, and not his girlfriend Condoleeza Rice, a cultured and educated woman.
I'm not sure we're supposed to be taking that as a joke.
Bush's new "logic" about why we are failing in Iraq is that Saddam killed anyone who would have opposed him, using Nelson Mandela as an example. Which is really odd considering Mandela was an early opponent to the Iraq War, tried to work through peaceful and democratic means, and is still alive for that matter.
Meanwhile, Black Republicans are wringing their hands over their top candidates skipping a debate at a black college. Here's a news flash: the Party of Lincoln long since forgot you all existed. If you needed any reminder of that, consider the case of Katrina.
Over in Giuliani land, one of his homeland security advisors laments the fact we have "too many mosques" in our land o' opportunity and religious freedom.
And finally, the State Department pretty much calls the Iraqi government liars and backs the Blackwater version completely. So much for sticking by our supposed allies.