Is this justice?

This seems like really, really bad timing.

Bush, who couldn't find an inmate he didn't want killed when he was governor, is suddenly worried about the rule of law as he tries to stop an execution in Texas. Now, granted, this guy seems to have gotten the short stick as far as the legal process goes, but he *did* help gang-rape and strangle two teenaged girls.

So let me get this straight. You can invade a sovereign nation illegally. You can legalize torture (more on that later), hire mercenaries to shoot Iraqi civilians without punishment, detain people indefinitely in cages, let soldiers bait people into sniping incidents, guards to piss on religious books, strip civil rights from your own citizens, leave Louisiana to drown, screw children out of health care and a decent education, and squander our national fortune of giving billionaires more benefits, but NOW you are worried we are giving a man who raped and murdered children a bum rap in our legal system?

If Democrats aren't running on this next year, they're idiots. Once again, "compassionate conservatism" at its worst.

And here is a list of all the unfinished business and outright screwups that Bush is leaving his successor.

Guess on top of being a C student, he never finished his homework either.

And hey, we're still shuttling our prisoners to secret overseas prisons, just like we keep getting told we "never" do.

Oh, and Bush and company was secretly authorizing torture techniques even as Bush had and has as late as Friday declared that, "This government does not torture people." He's a liar in this as he is in so much else. Unfortunately, his crimes are what the world thinks of all of us.

Here's a awful stat. The cost of insuring our nation's children under the SCHIP plan Bush vetoed would be the same as funding 41 days of the Iraq War. So...if we get our guys and gals out of harm's way in Baghdad, we could fund health care for our children many times over.

Bush really can't quite explain his priorities to me in a way I understand. More on the GOP's problems.

Speaking - briefly - of Iraq, all our efforts to restrict access to chlorine so it can't be used in bombs has led to over 7,000 cases of cholera. Um, oops?

Oh, and I know I shouldn't give this wench the time of day, but I can't express enough how much she symbolizes a large portion of Republicans. Here Ann Coulter wants to strip the vote from American women so that the Democrats can be hamstrung nationally. Nice.

In other news, the Colorado History Museum temporarily pulled a t-shirt promoting a tongue-in-cheek view of Homeland Security.

The "offending" shirt can be seen below:

Considering all the racist crap I've heard from conservatives since 9/11, I really don't think they have a leg to stand on here.

In other shirts and culture news, today is the 40th anniversary of Che's death. Here's an article on the occasion.

Then again, as I type this, the Yankees just lost. So, not everything is bad in the world.