A few of the items I've heard on NPR over the past couple days.
First off, a discussion of TV torture and its bleed-over to our soldier's conduct in Iraq on Fresh Air. Seriously, if you've got the time, give this a listen. In short, not much of a salute to Jack Bauer.
Assessing the impact of the fall of the US dollar, despite what Bush keeps calling a "strong economy". Supposedly he's for a strong currency, but results show otherwise. Then again, he thinks Jesus tells him to torture people and spy on American citizens and that we're winning in Iraq. What do you expect?
The scourge of Oxycontin addiction in Kentucky. Seems those dittoheads are taking their cues from Limbaugh a little too literally.
Speaking of dimbulbs, Bush is opposing a resolution that would condemn the Turkish genocide of Armenians back around World War One. Seems he'd rather keeps the Turks happy than recognize a long-ignored atrocity.
Then again, it might not matter since Turkey isn't really bothering to consult with us about crossing into Iraq to bomb Kurds. Hey! That's our quagmire!
A story on the evolution of language you should give a listen to. Then head over to Nature and delve into the articles mentioned in the story if you choose to.
Finally, with all the commemoration of Sputnik, another anniversary is coming up. That is the launch of Sputnik II and the sad tale of the cosmodog known as Laika.