Limbaugh actually IS a big fat idiot

So, my co-worker who downloads talking points from the RNC, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and - what the hell? - Ann "SuperBitch" Coulter is gloating about Limbaugh's latest response to the Senate trying to get Clear Channel to get him to straighten up and stop denigrating troops who don't agree with him, aka his "phony soldiers" comment.

Apparently he received the letter from Harry Reid sent to Clear Channel head Mark Mays and is planning to auction it off and give the proceeds to a Marine Corps support group. That, on the surface, sounds admirable.

Think about it for a second though. He insults some soldiers, despite bragging about what a big military supporter he is, and denigrates their service. Then his pal at Clear Channel and he have a big joke at the expense of elected officials who get a bit miffed about his actions. Yeah, it's political all around, but you don't see Democratic officials wiping their ass with pages from his books. That said, at this point, they might as well given the contempt he's showing them.

He's also apparently challenging those who oppose him to "step up" and match his winnings.

Yeah, he's going to make money insulting the US government, then try to guilt others into matching his earnings without contributing a dime himself.

And my co-worker is delighted that Rush is supposedly on the moral high ground here.

I don't see it. Why? Because it's a patently false argument. Not to mention dumb.

More on conservative hypocrisy when it comes to the military.

UPDATE: Follow-up to this brouhaha. Read this editorial from a self-professed political independent and then the first few comments. He makes a valid point about both camps in American politics but gee do his conservative ranters prove his argument right almost immediately.