We are Sofa King We Todd Ed

"As yesterday's positive report card shows, childrens do learn when standards are high and results are measured."

- Bush, promoting his good-idea-gone-bad, unfunded mandate No Child Left Behind

As quoted above, Bush just should stop trying to be the "education president". A C student who had to be grandfathered into Ivy League schools (boy, aren't they proud of that!), who ignored a terrorist attack on America by reading a kid's book, and an all-around illiterate-sounding fool, he's not exactly the poster child for leading education reform. Looking at his pet program's results, you'd question why we should keep it going too.

"Is our children learning" indeed.

To top it all off, Bush's speech to the UN recently was heavily modified with phonetic pronunciations of various countries and world leaders. For someone who discredits Hollywood and the mass media, he sure is taking a lot of cues from them.

It was apparently necessary too. He stumbled on a name left out of the Hooked on Phonics version right out of the gate.

I can't wait until we get a president who actually sounds less like Cooter from Hazzard County and more like a leader. You'd think the racist English Only wing of the Republican Party would have tried to run him out of town already.

Wait. I forgot. They're Republicans, so being hypocrites is already assumed.

Inspiration for the title from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, of course.