If we take the Republican side at their word that last week's vote on another controversial statement related to the war was truly about patriotism, not politics, then I have no doubt that they will stand with us against Limbaugh's comments with equal fervor.- Harry Reid, on Limbaugh's "phony soldiers" comment
Limbaugh continues to get a free pass from his conservative pals, even when he attacks the service and opinions of our soldiers. I seriously doubt we'll see anything come of it. Seriously, if this doesn't prove the Republicans as hypocrites, Bush as an anti-troop fiend, and the media as decidely NOT liberal, I'm not sure what does. If Al Franken had said this - and I'm sure he's more patriotic than Limbaugh to even think it - he'd already have psycho conservatives taking pot shots at him.
But nothing we can say can top this post on the Army of Dude blog.
Hey, wanna know what "scheduling conflict" Giuliani had that caused him to miss the debate at Morgan State University? He was hanging out with Bo Derek and Dennis Miller trying to scrounge up some dough for his campaign. Yeah, sure, I understand. Why speak to a large minority audience when you can safely collect cash from millionaire celebrities? Bush has set the trend for ignoring the groups of Americans he feels uncomfortable around and the GOP is following suit.
What democracy?
Moving on to gun-happy Republican mercenaries, turns out Blackwater has a shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later approach to dealing with Iraqis, initiating 84 percent of shooting incidents they have been involved in.
Hmm? And we're supposed to take it for granted to take your word over the Iraqis?
McCain is getting called out for suggesting that we pretty much mandate that only a Christian can be president. Meanwhile, "values voters" have altered the words to one of our national songs. You can view a rendition and the lyrics to the sickening "Why should God bless America" here. And why aren't *these* asshats not labeled defeatist traitors?
One person asks if the GOP is actually commiting political suicide. Given the disaster of the past few years, you really have to hope they are.