Awhile back, Vernon Jordan had posted a story about the Republican lies about their "Big Tent" strategy of conning, erm, convincing non-Confederate-apologist types to join their party. I thought it wasn't timely to talk about it out of context. Thankfully, Republicans being the miscreants they are, it didn't take long to collect new material showing their racist and bigoted beliefs.
The major GOP candidates have even more "scheduling conflicts" and plan to miss another Black voter forum.
Meanwhile, Cheney ran off over the weekend to go "hunting" at a lodge that proudly flies a Confederate flag. But hey, he didn't get drunk and shoot any of his friends this time. And why did we originally have any issues with the idea of people who like Cheney getting shot anyway? Sounds like another of those dumb ideas we have like "Texas should be a state!" and "Let's make the South rejoin the Union!".
In Louisiana, Democrats have bungled things up so bad that a Republican Indian-American has been elected governor. This would be a feel-good story except that the state GOP chair is a David Duke crony. Apparently, the "Big Tent" allows for minority figures of small, under-represented groups and outright racists in positions of power.
To wrap up this particular segment, one conservative is rightfully disgusted with his colleagues who are ripping Laura Bush for accepting - and gasp! wearing - a headscarf given to her by Saudi cancer survivors. Look, I'm obviously not a Bush family fan, but even I'm not going to accuse them of being racist against anyone - at least not for religious purposes. The fact that they have risen to power based on the hate and vile speech and actions of the racist, sexist, and bigots in their party doesn't even justify the crap that even they have to put up with.
Yeah, they built the monster that is biting them for being tolerant, but you almost have to feel bad for them. They obviously had no clue exactly how hateful Republicans can be. Too bad they show no inclination to stopping these assholes.