Giuliani got endorsed by Pat Robertson today, proving that you can cheat on your wife and get the endorsement of the Religious Right as a "moral" man. Frigging hypocrites.
In Russia, a celebration of Stalinism in the Age of Putin. Apparently, the Russians are not immune from ignoring a brutal past as a supposed Golden Age.
Speaking of corruption, former Illinois governor George Ryan is finally going to prison for being an all-around snake and accomplice to murder.
More Blackwater news as they are being investigated for sneaking silencers into Iraq as well as trying to steal Iraqi jet fighters. Meanwhile, since we are too busy paying mercs to operate in Iraq to pay for the war in Afghanistan, same mercs (including Blackwater) are being hired to provide helicopter support for our troops in that forgotten war.
Meanwhile, with the high volume of crimes, many causing deaths of our military and Iraqi civilians, being unpunished, a couple of guys hacking grades in California have received a quarter million dollar fine and 20 years in jail. I'm not saying you shouldn't be punished for breaking the rules, but some mercenary assclowns can shoot 17 civilians and not even get charged and these guys spend two decades behind bars for pumping up a GPA? Really?
More bad news concerning the dollar.
This one is kind of disturbing. A mother recently had her dead son cremated, only to have him get arrested somewhere else. Oops.
And, I found this one really interesting, a look at the justification of suicide bombing by way of playing Halo3.