"All conservative arguments can be reduced to hating people who don't look, think, or behave the way they do, in order to maintain power and privilege. Everything else is chaff."- Blog comment by Del Capslock at ThinkProgress.
Yes, that title is sarcasm. Turns out that hate crimes are up last year, and likely throughout the Age of Bush. This would have nothing to do with fundamentalist Protestants running the government and deriding all other religions? Or the fevered attack on Islam by the same "holy" people? Or the rising anti-immigrant hatred spewed by the GOP? Or just the fact that the Republicans' rise to power is based mostly on absorbing the racists from the Democrats?
Color me unimpressed.
The above quote is tied to a story about evil witch Laura Ingraham, who is pissed off that Chris Dodd answered a question partially asked in Spanish...in Spanish. Funny when Sparky McChimp strings together random Spanish words in a sentence (much like he does English) the GOP raves about it. But if a Democrat does it....
Apparently that atrocious "diamonds and pearls" softball question at the debate last week was staged by CNN. Which, honestly, I'm not surprised by the Hillary lovefest seeing as most of the commentators worked for her husband.
On FAUXNews, while trying to dismiss the concept of racial profiling, one guest on the Hannity & Token Democrat show mimed having "Chinese eyes". Nice.
Some of our Iraqi allies are suing American Airlines after being mistreated by passengers and crew on a flight that was grounded from fears of what they would do. What were they here for? To train our Marines about Iraqi culture. Turns out they got an education of American hysteria and racism instead.
Bill O'Reilly is disturbed by the tolerance of gays in our society. Wow, O'Reilly is a bigot? Go figure.
Planning on voting? Here is how your candidate of choice stands on immigration.
Meanwhile, Ron Paul, for whatever reason, is attracting a lot of supporters from white supremacist circles. I hate to tell him this, but, um, his party is full of those types.