I've got a few tech-related links to pass along, some more relevant and useful than others.
First off, some things you can do with your obsolete technology once it has outlived it's usefulness.
Speaking of old tech left by the wayside, New York City recently cut the last DC electrical line. By last, it is definitely the last line in NYC, but most likely the world.
The Car Talk guys say that our automakers can easily get cars to 35 MPG using already available technology. And hell, if those guys can figure it out, you know Detroit is lying. Seriously, have you heard their radio show? Great guys, funny, but more importantly, they're mechanical geniuses.
Some notes from a pandemic test. Um, we could probably do better.
Considering the coming end of the space shuttle era.
Hey! You know all those stories about lead-filled Chinese toys? Wanna know where some of that lead comes from? Well, according to this story, it comes from our slagged down computers we've thrown away. Instant karma, folks.