An English Lesson for Hillary

From Merriam-Webster (look it up yourself if interested):


Main Entry:
de·nounce Listen to the pronunciation of denounce
\di-ˈnau̇n(t)s, dē-\
transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
de·nounced; de·nounc·ing
Middle English, from Anglo-French denuncier to proclaim, from Latin denuntiare, from de- + nuntiare to report -- more at announce
13th century

1: to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil
2 archaic a: proclaim b: to announce threateningly
3: to inform against : accuse
4 obsolete : portend
5: to announce formally the termination of (as a treaty)

And now, Hillary Clinton's idea of strong language:


Main Entry:
1re·ject Listen to the pronunciation of 1reject
transitive verb
Middle English, from Latin rejectus, past participle of reicere, from re- + jacere to throw -- more at jet
15th century

1 a: to refuse to accept, consider, submit to, take for some purpose, or use
b: to refuse to hear, receive, or admit : rebuff, repel
c: to refuse as lover or spouse
2 obsolete : to cast off
3: throw back, repulse
4: to spew out
5: to subject to immunological rejection

This of course, in relation to Timmah Russert and Hillary ganging up on Obama and trying to label him as an anti-Semite because Louis Farrakhan endorsed him the other day. Not that he was looking for the endorsement; but hey, Clinton will sink to any dirty trick she's got left in her bag o'tricks.

I don't know about you, but I think denounce sounds a lot worse.

Think Hillary wants to edit the Bible and make sure Peter "rejects" Christ three times instead of "denying"? Just throwing that out there.