Seriously, what a week in the spotlight for Hillary Clinton.
Tonight, during the debate, she accuses Obama of basically being a Xerox machine for having borrowed some lines from his friend Deval Patrick. She got booed, as she should have been. Classless fool.
THEN, she got kudos for her lines at the end of the debate. Funny thing about that though, she lifted them from John Edwards. So who's really the "plagiarist"? The person shared crib notes from his pal or the one stealing riffs from a candidate out of the race?
This line of thinking goes along with her gambit Tuesday night to delay her stump speech, ignore her supporters in Wisconsin, and ignore the fact that she lost there. Howard Kurtz states that Obama should have been fouled for elbowing Clinton out of the way. Howard Kurtz is full of shit.
Hillary started about an hour late. Obama waited fifteen minutes beyond that and then said "screw it, I won, I'm giving my speech". If you want a sports analogy, Clinton got called for a delay of game on fourth down, turned the ball over, Obama gave her enough time to get to the line of scrimmage and then called his play.
Of course Clintonites say he is classless. Hey, she tried to put her ego in the way and dared the networks to interrupt her, despite HER rudeness. Guess they didn't want to play her games anymore.
Here's an HuffPo article and a MyBarackObama blog entry on how Clinton doesn't care about the will of the people.
Since we are speaking of Clinton, let's address another Republican, John McCain, and his news problems. Or maybe not so much of one. Ever since the New York Times accused him of potentially cheating on his wife (you know, the one he got from, um, cheating on his wife), the radical Right has been coming to his defense. Nothing like a sex scandal to put all Republicans - ahem! - in bed with one another.
Stay tuned.