Flood alert

Look, I don't mean to be an insensitive ass, but seriously, let's assess this again.

Hillary Clinton shed some tears again today. Curiously, a day before Super Tuesday. Yeah, I actually AM that cynical. If you want to twist her words a bit, she's had 35 years to be full of emotion and we only just got to see these so-called genuine feelings twice, and both times before big primaries and caucuses where he leads eroded to nothing.

She didn't tear up when her husband first got inaugurated. She didn't cry when he cheated on her and damn near got impeached. She didn't cry looking at the poverty in Africa up close and personal. She only seems to cry when votes are on the line.

Cynical? Hell, I'm just calling it like I see it.

Want even more reasons not to vote for Clinton (or even McCain for you delusional GOP types)? They, by a long shot, take large sums of money from lobbyists. Scumbags.

More? Okay, want to guarantee a virtual third Bush term? I mean, McCain has been pretty clear about his love for the evil twit we currently have in office. Well, Clinton is about the only factor that will unify Rethugs to vote for McCain. Bank on it. More importantly, do something about it.

Like what? you ask?


How about that for a plan?

And, oh yeah, Obama is catching up and even passing Clinton in some polls. I expect y'all to get out there and prove those polls right for once. Thanks.