I really should mellow out a bit, but....

One.. (of many) thing that bothers me is that unlike Romney, Clinton didn't give to her campaign, she loaned to it. She expects regular working people to pay her back..

- Ilya, commenter on the Obama site (thread link here)

Wow, when Mitt Romney is setting a better example than a Democratic candidate, you'd hope said candidate might start considering hanging it up.

That said, I doubt Hillary Clinton will be stopped by anything short of the final delegate count at the convention. Here's hoping she doesn't win it.

$6.1 million contributed today to Obama's campaign if the tally tool is working. It's not just cash though. If that were the case, Clinton would have owned this a long time ago. But tainted lobbyist cash and arm twisting are (hopefully) not enough to win.

Here's a link to an ABC story on how Clinton senior staffers are foregoing pay for the time being to save the campaign money. Wait. Isn't that what the Giuliani folks did before going under? Either way, it's a crisis of confidence. Another reason for you fence-sitters to doubt her candidacy.

Some campaign analysis of last night, plus some more unbiased viewpoints.

It ain't over, and she's not done, but I've heard worse news in recent days.

If you haven't come over, ask me what I can do to convince you. If you have, give a few bucks, call some folks in Washington state, or Texas, or wherever the need is. If you don't want another GOP scumbag, now is kinda the time to be doing something about it.

One last thing from the comments:

Re: We rock

By Jeffrey Pierce 1 minute ago

We got Mo' Money.

We got Mo' Mentum.

We got Mo' States.

We got Mo' Delegates.

We got Mo' of everything that counts.