So, Clinton lied to us about being sniped at on her way into Bosnia. I'm not sure why this has been such a big deal. Anyone with a mind knows she's been exaggerating her so-called achievements as First Lady, why does this form of resume padding surprise anyone? It is her own little mole hill, not that she hasn't been working hard on making up stuff for Obama.
But really, when Sinbad holds the moral high ground and is telling the truth more than you are, you are on shaking footing in the first place.
At HuffPo, Peggy Drexler wonders if Hillary's campaign is motivated by her desire to be the "cool kid".
David Brooks openly wonders why Hillary wants to destroy the Democratic Party for a 5 to 10 percent shot at the nomination.
Clinton's gambit, in part, is to try to steal pledged delegates from Obama. Sure, she swears she isn't doing that, but even as a county delegate I got calls from her campaign. Anyways, more on her "delegates can vote for who they want to" bit. So much for the "pledged" part of pledged delegates.
Personally, I hope the defections go the other way if there has to be defections. But I'd rather see scruples maintained instead.
Mark Halperin has a list of things Hillary should be aware of. In total, they point to her quitting the race sooner rather than later.
Texas is rejecting her plan to muddle with their caucus results. Bill Clinton says Obama isn't patriotic. Part of Bill Richardson's decision to endorse Obama came because of the ugliness of Clinton's campaign. And over at DailyKos, the Clintonistas staged a walkout but no one really seems to have noticed, other than the less hateful environment that emerged.
That said, even Jason Voorhees knew when to hang it up. Hillary does not yet seem to.