Seriously, it was probably just a smidge too cold to grill outside today (it had been in the 70s up until yesterday) but I had to do it. Some steak kabobs, grilled corn, fire roasted potatoes and grilled veggies. Then a banana split from the campus dining commons for dessert. Yeah, this is bliss.
Anyway, in the process of killing some more links from my browser, I offer the following.
First off, seriously, if you are going to read anything I link this month, read this one. It encapsulates everything I've been trying to say about the dirty, hate-filled campaign of Hillary Clinton. A sample:
"All you Hillary supporters...If you really want to see your girl in the Oval Office, and if you're all able to finagle, say, the Florida and Michigan votes and various superdelegates and enough popular vote to get the nomination...Then mock us now at your own peril.
If Hillary gets the nomination, YOU WILL NEED US.
You will need all of us who have supported Obama and attended his rallies and made thousands of phone calls to get out the vote, all of us who caucused for him and donated money to him and voted for him and prayed for him.
And I will say this: Obama has attacked you, Hillary, on your policies, which, as you very well know, is pure politics and is fair game. You have attacked his too, and that's fine.
But he has never attacked you personally, and never EVER has he made disparaging or mocking remarks toward your supporters.
In all my years of following politics and being an activist in Democratic causes, I have never witnessed such a thing from within our own party.
It has to stop.
It's one thing for the media mythology to take hold and it's one thing for the right-wingers to launch their mockery and demagoguery and nasty attacks. We have come to expect that from them.
It's quite another when our own does it.
If you want your girl to get into the White House, and you continue to mock and put down all of us who have worked so hard in support of OUR candidate, then you do so at your own peril.
Because I can tell you right now, when you cross that line, no amount of Clinton nice-making can ever make up for the anger and resentment of good Democrats who've been made to feel like nutcases by their own party faithful just because they supported a different candidate."
And that, is exactly why I can't vote for her should she steal the nomination.
Obama is making the races close in Texas, Ohio, and Rhode Island, merely for showing up and speaking to people. And seriously, if you ever get a chance to see one of his speeches live, I encourage you to do so.
Clinton is also losing support to one of her key constituencies, gay people. Seriously, for awhile there I was wondering if I was going to see a politically active gay person for Obama. That's said tongue-in-cheek, but wow, anytime I've been to a caucus or the recent county convention debacle, it made you wonder.
Hillary Clinton also has close ties to the vaunted Military-Industrial Complex, and is apparently a big fan of cluster bombs.
More divisive Clinton tactics. In New Hampshire, there is still bad blood over the lies spread about Obama's support for abortion rights. In short, Clinton said he didn't support such rights and as a group, women voted for Clinton predominantly on that point. Basically, she lied and they're still pissed off about it. This win at all costs attitude also cost Clinton the support of Lorna Brett Howard, a former Chicago NOW president. Her video explanation can be found here.
Neither of these are new stories but I just read the New Hampshire story a couple days ago and lost the Howard video in a browser crash. Either way, each story is relevant for the primaries in coming days.
Clinton's poor planning continues in Texas, leading one commenter to come up with a new Hillary slogan:
Ready One Day
I'm not sure it is going to catch on, but I like it.
A couple DailyKos postings concerning Obama's Senate record and a similar one involving an Obama skeptic who changed her mind once she saw how much he had actually done in the Senate compared to Clinton.