A lot has been made of Barack Obama's name, particularly his middle name Hussein. It makes Republicans fearful, and Clintonites bigots.
McCain "immediately" denounced (and rejected?) blowhard conservative radio asshole Bill Cunningham's bigoted remarks about Obama's middle name, but not until after Cunningham vented and spewed crap. That said, that still puts him one up on Clinton.
Karl Rove is even telling conservatives to back off, though I doubt it will do any good as Rove has trained his minions well. Their first reaction is to ALWAYS take the low road and attack on the basest, most insulting levels.
That said, points for saying it in such a way that I'm sure at least someone believes you aren't trying to cover your ass.
Here's an article that covers the topic well and wonders how silly the argument is when you look at the other Semitic-named persons of note in our history.
As for Farrakhan angle, I bring your this and this from the Jerusalem Post. If they are convinced the Clinton/Russert attacks are spurious, then I hope the rest of you can put down the pitchforks and torches, too. Oh, and take off those white hoods while you are at it.