I got about four minutes into watching This Week this morning and found out that, according to Roberts, anyone who is telling Clinton to leave the race is a sexist pig.
So much for addressing reality. So much for ignoring that her and her supporters have ACTUALLY BEEN racists. But no, telling a woman to leave when it has been obvious for months she has no chance of winning, that's sexism. Whatever.
Terry McAuliffe is wishing Russert's dad is dead. Look, I have my issues with Russert, but wow.
Saturday Night Live finally bites the hand that feeds. It's a five minute segment, and isn't really funny, but since I said SNL, you already knew it wasn't going to be funny.
Bob Herbert on Hillary's racism strategy. Plus, here's some concern for Obama, racism at the Secret Service.
Charles Rangel is laughably trying to understand and justify the racist shit Hillary says. Fool.
Even fencesitter John Edwards took a swipe at Hillary's race comments.
Some pack of morons is working hard to make Clinton a viable VP option. Since I won't vote for a racist, I hope the Obama campaign is a damn lot smarter than that, because they will automatically lose my vote.
Meanwhile, a snapshot into the anti-Obama hype machine, including retired CIA goons. Yeah, it isn't *just* the Republicans and Clintons.
Hillary has tried to compare herself to Rocky Balboa, Annie Oakley, and a whole lot of other fictional characters. Here we get closer to the truth. She's the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.